Vehicle Tax & Licensing Service

Saving you time on vehicle legalization, reducing your audit risk, and making sure you’re operating legally.

Let our team of Compliance Advisors make it easy to keep your company compliant with complex motor carrier tax and registration requirements, state IFTA and IRP requirements, and fuel tax reporting obligations, plus help reduce your audit risk. We'll apply our expertise to ensuring that your vehicles are legal and improving the accuracy and integrity of your fuel and mileage tax data.

Talk with a Compliance Advisor! CALL 888-473-4638

IFTA & Mileage Tax Reporting

We’ll collect and enter your driver trip reports, fuel receipts, and toll information into a specialized database. We accept paper trip documents or electronic data transfer, and purge according to regulatory timelines.

A proprietary audit will be conducted and any errors corrected in order to meet IFTA and IRP state compliance requirements.

We'll manage your monthly and quarterly mileage and fuel data for quarterly IFTA reporting. We’ll also complete and submit tax returns and disperse payments.

See the driver trip reports, fuel receipts and toll information we collect from you and your drivers in the centralized DataSense® portal.

See the driver trip reports, fuel receipts and toll information we collect from you and your drivers in the centralized DataSense® portal.

January-March: DUE APRIL 30

April-June: DUE JULY 31

July-September: DUE OCT 31

October-December: DUE JAN 31

We receive these documents on your behalf and distribute to your contacts at your desired frequency.

Licensing & Permitting

We’ll complete IRP, IFTA, mileage tax (OR, NM, NY and/or KY), Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) and Authority Permit applications for new vehicles added to your fleet and renewals.

Based on our knowledge of your fleet, we'll offer recommendations for your permitting needs for the following year and advise on which base state you should use.

Any time there are permit changes, such as address changes, return of permits or cancellations, we'll communicate with states on your behalf.

We’ll obtain initial permits for mileage, authority, International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP).

Vehicle Tax & Licensing Service Benefits

Reduced Risk

100% Compliance 

We'll ensure your compliance with IFTA, IRP, HVUT, UCR, mileage permits, and applicable authority permits.

Reduced Workload

Reduced Workload

We'll handle all of this complex, time-consuming work on your behalf so your staff can focus on your core business. 

Improved CSA Scores

Centralized & Standardized Processes

Processes will be standardized and consistent across all of your operating locations.

Increased Visibility

Minimized Risk & Audit Exposure 

We employ a comprehensive 74-point audit, in addition to applying the most current regulations to ensure accuracy.

Time Savings

Proactive Notifications

Receive notifications of expiring license plates and permit renewals before they become a problem.

Reduced Worry

Optimized Tax Credits

Our experts will ensure you're not overpaying or underpaying IFTA taxes, and are receiving the credits your company is entitled to.

5 Red Flags for an IFTA Audit

Find out if your fleet is at risk of an IFTA audit!